The organising committee
Annick UNamur
Marie CHU UCL Namur
Guy UCLouvain
Benoît CHU UCL Namur
Maxime Ville de Namur
Sébastien UCLouvain
Medico-economic and ethical outcomes
The topics covered will include
Innovation regarding professional occupations and organisations
What are the medico-economic impacts of the use of artificial intelligence and teleconsultation?
What innovative organisational methods are available to regulate care networks or create new occupations? What is their medico-economic efficiency?
Given the development of care networks, what new management modes or new managerial methods are being applied in our care networks? What are their medico-economic impacts?
The organisation of health care systems
What are the new financing models and their medico-economic impacts on the implementation of Value- Based Purchasing?
How effective are Pay-for-Performance programmes?
What actions have been taken to reduce waste in hospital care (cost-effectiveness approach)? What are their medico-economic and organisational impacts?
How can quality be financed?
How can results and experiences reported by patients be used for medico-economic management purposes?
Data management
How can EBM for health care providers be implemented? What are the impacts on efficiency?
What role can decision-support tools play in the evaluation of medical practices?
Which evaluation methodologies should be used to assess hospital performance (cost-quality)?
How can the usefulness of health actions be assessed?
What ethical issues are raised by the acceleration of innovation?
What are the legal framework and ethical code that should be applied to the use of AI and big data in health?
How can data management, transparency, research and personal data protection be reconciled?
Health promotion
What is the role of insurers in the analysis of medico-economic results and health promotion actions?
How should health promotion be financed? What are its medico-economic impacts?
Conference objectives
Exchange – Innovate – Share
Medinomia aims to increase the sharing of experiences by professionals concerning medico-economic analysis practices, to stimulate medico-economic approaches in care networks, and to investigate ways of improving the value of care networks.
Target audience
Care providers from (general) hospitals, MR-MRS, frontline actors.
Healthcare professionals: directors, managers, etc.
Companies related to the health care sector.
Researchers, students.